Why is my ad not visible?
Why is my ad not visible?
Ads appear for your selected targets based on your Ad Rank, which is based on a combination of your bid amount and relevance score. If your Ad is not appearing, it may be due to the following reasons:
Low Relevance Score: if the targets you chose for your ads, and the contents of their product detail page, do not match user intent (customer search queries / browsed categories, other ads may appear, make sure to choose a relevant target as well as optimize the title and description of your product detail page
Daily Budget Exhausted: if your daily budget runs out, your ads stop showing, increase your budget to keep ads running longer
Advertised SKUs are Out of Stock: Ads pause when your SKUs are out of stock. Add in stock SKUs to keep your ads running
Note: make sure your campaign status is live.
How to troubleshoot daily budget exhaustion?
How to troubleshoot daily budget exhaustion?
To fix your campaign please follow these steps:
Select the campaign with the status "Budget Exhusated"
Locate the three dots to the right side of the campaign
Hover over the three dots and select "Edit"
In the budget details section, we recommend starting with a 40% increase on the current daily budget and modifying it based on campaign performance
How can I improve my campaign's click-through rate?
How can I improve my campaign's click-through rate?
Here are a few tips you can follow:
Use negative keywords effectively to prevent irrelevant clicks
Check and adjust your pricing strategy as needed
How can I improve my campaign's ROAS?
How can I improve my campaign's ROAS?
Here are a few tips you can follow
Ensure that you are running campaigns with a minimum of 7 days duration for product ads while for brand ads a minimum of 14 days duration then check the performance. as ROAS may take time.
Download the Detailed target performance report to check for good keywords/categories and refine further
Implement negative targeting to remove unwanted spends or remove targets if they have no ROAS based on the performance report mentioned above.
How can I optimize my campaign's performance?
How can I optimize my campaign's performance?
There are a few generic optimization tips that can help you:
If your bid price is more than 5% of your selling price of the product, preferably reduce the bid price to increase your chances of winning. Subject to competition and winning bids
Select relevant targets from keywords and categories.
Use phrase match with not more than 2 words (per target) and bid the minimum value to capture long tail search volume
Target sub-categories to improve ad effectiveness and bid higher for sub-categories
Ensure that you are running campaigns with a minimum of 7 days duration for product ads while for brand ads a minimum of 14 days duration then check the performance. as ROAS may take time.
Download the Detailed target performance report to check for good keywords/categories and further refine.
Implement negative targeting to remove unwanted spends or remove targets if they have no ROAS based on the performance report mentioned above.
Need more help? Email us at adsupport@noon.com
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